Growing and Learning Together through Faith, Friends & Fun Tyfu a Dysgu Gyda’n Gilydd trwy Ffydd, Ffrindiau a Hwyl A very warm welcome is extended to you from all of us at Ysgol y Llan, Whitford. Ysgol y Llan Church in Wales Voluntary Aided School accepts pupils between the ages of 3 and 11 years of age. Ysgol y Llan has a capacity for 120 pupils on roll with an additional 15 in Nursery. We are an English-medium primary school situated in the village of Whitford. Ysgol y Llan is a Church in Wales Voluntary Aided school, commanding spectacular views over the River Dee, the Wirral and beyond. We are a popular, over subscribed school, proud of our achievements and with a strong reputation in the local community. The Governors and Staff of the school confirm the purpose of the school. “Our aim is to provide a happy and secure environment and offer each pupil a broad education encompassing all areas of the National Curriculum and to develop individual skills and talents so that every child may achieve the best of which he/she is capable. As a Church School we foster:
From its first opening in 1740, rebuilding in 1851 and 1926 (following a fire) and remodeling in 2003 the children in Whitford and the surrounding parish have received their education in a small friendly atmosphere which we will continue to foster.” The ethos of our school, as described in our Instrument of Government; Recognising its historic foundation, the school will preserve and develop its religious character in accordance with the principles of the Church in Wales and in partnership with the Church at Parish and Diocesan levels. The school aims to serve the community by providing an education of the highest quality within the context of Christian belief and practice. It encourages an understanding of the meaning and significance of faith and promotes Christian values through the experience it offers to all its pupils. We hope that our website gives you a greater insight into our school and a flavour of what you can expect. Mr B. Griffiths Headteacher. |