I hope you have all enjoyed a lovely summer holiday. We are looking forward to welcoming children back to school tomorrow on Friday 1st September.
Please be careful as you approach the school gates and ensure that children do not run ahead as some work is being completed on the pavement just outside of school. This work should be finished by the end of the school day tomorrow.
I look forward to finding out what all of the children have been up to over the holidays.
Kind regards
Mr Griffiths
Please find further information below that you may need for this term and/or academic year:
Early breakfast club information
Term dates
A reminder that the school meal price is due to increase to £2.15 from 11th September 2017.
We hope that you caught sight of our latest school inspection report on Twitter. If not, this report will be emailed to parents at the beginning of term and can also be found on our school website.