Welsh National Tests are over - all children (Years 2 - 6) worked extremely well and tried their best. Thank you to all children who participated in a calm manner. Although some tests can be important, they don't always show the true character of children - the things that we see on a daily basis.
Today is 'Welsh Day'. The Criw Cymraeg have organised Welsh activities for the day including being involved in some pieces of Welsh art & crafts. The children are all welcome to attend school in their house colours (red, white or green) or Welsh costumes.
Good luck to those children who will represent Ysgol y Llan in the Ron Bishop Football Tournament today. Please remember your boots and shin pads. If anyone has any outstanding kit at home, please ensure it is returned today.
Thank you to those parents who have offered to help transport furniture tomorrow afternoon. Don't forget your weetabix!
Lastly, in an ever changing digital environment, can I please remind you all to monitor any internet or social media use at home. We are constantly reminding children about the 'digital footprint' they are leaving when using the internet, social media and apps but we cannot monitor their usage at home. We hope to arrange for our police liaison officer to offer a parent & pupil session soon and we would like to see as many of you there as possible.
Thank you for your continued support.
Today is 'Welsh Day'. The Criw Cymraeg have organised Welsh activities for the day including being involved in some pieces of Welsh art & crafts. The children are all welcome to attend school in their house colours (red, white or green) or Welsh costumes.
Good luck to those children who will represent Ysgol y Llan in the Ron Bishop Football Tournament today. Please remember your boots and shin pads. If anyone has any outstanding kit at home, please ensure it is returned today.
Thank you to those parents who have offered to help transport furniture tomorrow afternoon. Don't forget your weetabix!
Lastly, in an ever changing digital environment, can I please remind you all to monitor any internet or social media use at home. We are constantly reminding children about the 'digital footprint' they are leaving when using the internet, social media and apps but we cannot monitor their usage at home. We hope to arrange for our police liaison officer to offer a parent & pupil session soon and we would like to see as many of you there as possible.
Thank you for your continued support.