Dear Parents/Guardians
I would just like to update you on a few items for this half term.
- Friday 11th November - for bottles or a £1 donation
- Friday 25th November - for chocolates, sweets or a £1 donation
Many thanks for your continued support
Mr. Griffiths
I would just like to update you on a few items for this half term.
- OWN CLOTHES days – the Friends of the school would like a couple of own clothes days in exchange for donations towards the Christmas Fair.
- Friday 11th November - for bottles or a £1 donation
- Friday 25th November - for chocolates, sweets or a £1 donation
- CHILDREN IN NEED – on Friday 18th November, children may come to school wearing SPOTS if they wish to support ‘Children in Need’ for a £1 donation. Cakes will be on sale at the end of the school day.
- SCHOOL PHOTOS – School Photos have been moved to Tuesday 22nd November due to our school hall not being available on the original date. Sorry for any inconvenience.
- CLASS 4 ASSEMBLY – Class 4’s assembly will now take place on Tuesday 22nd November at 2pm (NOT Friday 18th November). Everyone is welcome.
- SCHOOL CHOIR – the school choir competed at the Choral Festival last Friday at Venue Cymru, Llandudno. They will soon be organising an afternoon of tea and cakes whilst they sing some of their songs for you. Keep an eye out for more information and we hope to see you there!
- CHURCH SERVICE – this Wednesday 9th November will be our Armistice Day service in Church. As with any weekly service, parents, guardians and grandparents are more than welcome to join us. This will be a normal school service led by Reverend Lorraine but some pupils may share some of their work on the day.
- HOLIDAY REQUESTS – due to the position we are in regarding our attendance figures, any holiday requests will look at the attendance of children over the previous 12 month period. Our Governors are on board with improving attendance and hopefully you have read their letter and will support us moving forward. We will shortly be reviewing the point system. Flintshire recommended that any attendance figures below our target (95%) should not be authorised. At this current moment in time, attendance figures less than 92% will result in not being authorised as this is ‘missing more than 3 weeks of education’. Every lesson counts at Ysgol y Llan!
- PARENTS’ EVENING – next Wednesday 9th November is our Parents’ Evening. This first evening of the year is an informal drop in session between 3.30pm and 5.30pm and therefore, no appointment is necessary. It is still very much an important evening and has many benefits:
- You will not just be confined to 5 mins with the teacher
- Unlike many first parents’ evenings in other schools, you will have the option to look at your child’s books in a relaxed manner. This is a perfect opportunity at an early stage in the year to raise any questions with the Class teacher – you may already have your own questions, yet once seeing the workbooks, it may raise more questions.
- Miss Davies is available to speak to as she works with many pupils on additional areas of learning.
- If you want to speak to the teacher in private, then this is still possible on the evening – just ask!
- I will be available available to speak to if you have any concerns or compliments that you wish to share.
- OUTDOOR CLASSROOM – planning permission for the outdoor classroom was approved last week. The building is now in storage and we hope to see it within the next few weeks. On its arrival, we NEED volunteers to help us paint it – we have purposefully chosen the larger 6m x 4m x 68mm cabin so that it lasts. However, it will be supplied untreated and will therefore need painting immediately. Please contact the office if you can help in any way.
Many thanks for your continued support
Mr. Griffiths